RUN | GNOMIC Motivation

RUN | GNOMIC Motivation

January 17, 2021

It took less than ten seconds for Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt to cover the one hundred meter distance on the Olympic track and win the gold medal in London. Those few seconds cemented his status as the “fastest man alive” and placed him on the winner’s podium once again. But the race was not won in those seconds —it was won by hours and hours of practice, workouts, weightlifting, special diet, and coaching.

We may not all be Usain Bolt, but there’s definitely something special you were born to run after. In today’s motivational video, T. D. Jakes encourages us to run in pursuit of our destinies.

“Success is not an accident”. Like Bolt, it will take hours and hours of preparation in order to achieve our goals — in order to be the best that we can be. It will require that we sacrifice immense time and resources towards realizing them. It will require consistency. It will require discipline. Through it all, we must not give up.

Regardless of what may have transpired in the past, we need to focus on what is ahead of us and run towards them with determination! The closer we approach glory, we sooner we’d realize how pale our shortcomings appear in contrast. Run! It definitely gets better.