November 1, 2021

A spy was captured and sentenced to death by a General in the Persian Army. Before carrying out the sentence the General gave the spy a strange choice. He told him he could have his choice of a firing squad or a big black door.

After much deliberation the spy chose the firing squad and within a few moments he was dead.

The General turned to his aide, “They always prefer the known way to the unknown.” The aide then asked the General, “What’s behind the black door anyway?”

“Freedom!” replied the General. “Behind the big black door is a passageway that leads outside, but only a few have been brave enough to see what was behind it!”

Most often than not, fear is that big, black door that keeps us trapped inside our comfort zones! In order to be free from the things that imprison us, we must be brave enough to open the big black door! Success is a very uncomfortable procedure. In order to be successful, we must be willing to get uncomfortable.

“The comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing worthwhile ever grows there”.