According to physics, and all those really old, boring guys, momentum is a product of mass and velocity. Velocity is the measure of distance over time. Where am I going with this? My first goal was to actually bore you with all that physics stuff, but now that that’s over. . .
Momentum is a product of how much you hold within you (mass) and your velocity (how quickly you’re headed where you’re going). Where is the average Christian going? Where is the end? As the Bible makes evidently clear, the Christian’s goal is not mainly making it to heaven– it is a haven before heaven. The end-goal is the sweet solace where our hearts find out what peace really feels like. The aim is CHRIST. And not only when we get to heaven, but right here on earth. Paul, in his historic letter to the Ephesians could not have put it any better: “. . . till we ALL reach unity in the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining the whole measure of the Christ” (Ephesians 4:3).
Paul again tells us in Philippians 3:13 to “forget what lies behind and strain towards what lies ahead.” In other words, we need to press on and push past the present, regardless of whatever circumstance we might be in. If you’re good, you can be better. If you’re better, you can push as close to your best as you can get. You can pray a little more, be proud a little less, love a whole lot more, and sacrifice a little more. There are always deeper depths and higher heights. If you don’t push, you’ll never know just how much strength you have inside of you.

There are always deeper depths and higher heights. If you don’t push, you’ll never know just how much strength you have inside of you.
When we talk about mass, we’re talking about the stuff you’re made of. We’re talking resilience! We’re talking willpower! Determination! We’re talking about how much ‘push’ you have inside you. How much is in you that you haven’t yet poured out? How much faith are you holding deep inside, behind the walls of fear and worry? How much love do you have inside that big beautiful heart that Satan tried to hide beneath the hurt? How much joy do you have to spread to the world? How much pent up anger is in you? What are you made of?
If physically, we are what we eat, and obesity is a risk factor for hypertension and diabetes; then spiritually, if we have more than enough of Christ, it’ll show in our veins and arteries just as much. We can either spray a little Jesus on ourselves, around our wrists and behind our ears, or we can allow for His alabaster box to be broken over our heads. Only one of these would attract everyone with its fragrance both far and near. You can decide to be whichever one you want.
What happens to the Christian who has ‘backslidden’? The beautiful thing about reaching rock bottom is that the only way is up. The aim is not to fall completely before realizing that there must be a change, but to keep moving on. You have way too much God inside of you!
Velocity differs from speed in the sense that it has direction. Who are you pointed towards? Who do you look forward to? Is your velocity more affected by deceleration than it is by acceleration? You’ve heard about drag forces, right? Those weights that Hebrews 12:1 talks about vivaciously?
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
Your mass is directly proportional to how much of Him you keep within you – you cannot give what you do not have. You’re velocity is more than just your speed – you must be headed towards Christ, not just towards church or bible studies (i.e. mere religion). With these two intact, you can reach your maximum momentum– a charged bullet ready to hit the bull’s eye, pen in the hand of a ready writer!
The Holy Spirit is always there for these reasons – to be with you when no one else can. To keep you directed towards Christ and made up of His kind of willpower. To help you revise all your high school physics after all this talk . . .lol. We’re all not there yet, but we can either sit still and look pretty or show the world what it’s really missing!